Elder Travel increasing

In recent years there has been an increase in older travellers, due to the increase of average life expectancy and the increase generally in the travel habits of people.

Travel for older tourists can be a good thing; many will have saved significant sums of money during their lives, many will have raised children, who have now left home and also have free time, because they may have already retired.

Travelling today is easier and more affordable than even just a few years ago, where there was less competition between low-cost airlines, hotels and also thanks to the internet that helps to find the excellent and varied promotions available in the market.

According to the International Travel and Health Insurance Journal; over the last 20 years the number of travellers over the age of 80 has increased by 42.5 percent; whilst this is positive, this has lead to increases in the number of claims that these travellers make to insurance companies.

Statistically, an older person who travels, has a greater risk of a health emergency, and are more likely to have a pre-existing medical condition; and therefore, reasons to cancel or suspend the trip. That is why it is vital to obtain travel insurance that covers these as well as other emergencies that may arise at unexpected times during the trip.

The policies offered by Fit 2 Trip include single medical insurance, cancellation, and/or multi-risk policies for families, couples, individual travellers and people with pre-existing medical conditions. The medical policy of Fit 2 Trip covers medical expenses, repatriation and the cost related to a possible premature return of your trip and also has the option of choosing the coverage that suits your needs: basic, standard and premier.
