Tips for saving money on your flight

Would you like to pay less for your flights but do not know how to do it? Let Fit 2 Trip give you some tips on how to save money on your flights.

1. Search your flights in different flight comparators. Some of the most popular are Skyscanner and Edreams, but there are others less popular as Kiwi, which also have good offers. The prices in some of these comparators can be influenced by cookies so, just in case, we recommend that you clean the cookies from your computer or electronic device.

2. Be flexible with your dates, destinations and schedules. This factor is, with no doubt, the one that will most determine the price of your tickets.

3. Reserve at the best time. You should know that getting your flight ticket months in advance is not always the best option. Although it cannot be predicted with accuracy, there are guidelines you can consult to know what is the best time to book a flight. Flying in the low season is always cheaper than doing it in high season, and it seems that doing the flight search on a Tuesday and at unusual times, for example, searching at midnight, can make a difference when finding economic flights.

4. Sign up for price alerts from your favorite flight search engine and be up to date on the offers launched by the airlines.

5. Don’t book a full round or return trip, because although logic tells us this is the right thing to do, booking your flights separately can be less expensive.

6. Nobody likes to stopover, but sometimes it is a good option to save money on a flight ticket.

7. The nearest biggest or smallest airport is not always the cheapest, so compare prices before taking anything for granted. Also, keep in mind that it is not always worth it traveling to a distant airport if transportation from there is going to be expensive.

8. Travel light! Whenever possible, do not check in luggage and you will save extra money on your ticket.

9. Take advantage of discounts. If you have a student card, you are an Erasmus student, you are an elderly person, you have an airline credit card or you travel often for work, you can benefit from multiple discounts.

10. Do not overthink it too much, if you find a flight at a reasonable price, buy it!

11. Finally, if you do the check-in from home, don’t print the ticket, save it on your phone as a pdf or do screenshots of the barcodes.
